Адрес: Андижан, УзбекистанТелефон: |
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Андижанский краеведческий музей отзывы
Историческая местность
Andijan Regional (History) Museum is located on 258 Fitrat Street. The museum exhibits various collections, which includes archaeological finds, works of local artists and creature of craftsmen.This museum’s entire collection is divided like: ethnography, fine art, applied arts, archaeological stuff and other ones. Don't forget to visit the section of Babur who was born in Andijan, and he was the founder and first Emperor of the Mughal dynasty in the Indian subcontinent. (He is He was a direct descendant of Emperor Timur the Great - Tamurlane - from what is now Uzbekistan.
Отзывы посетителей о других местах
Akademicheskiy Litsey Pri Andizhanskom Gosudarstvennom Mashinostroitel'nom Institute
Андижан, Узбекистан
З М Бобир кутубхонаси
Андижан, Узбекистан
ADU Qoshidagi Akademik Litsey
Андижан, Узбекистан
Kaktus insurance agensy
Андижан, Узбекистан
Инфекцонная больница
Unnamed Road, Андижан, Узбекистан