Адрес: Azatutyan Backstreet, Yerevan, АрменияТелефон: +374 10 201310 |
Ответы на популярные вопросы
Часы работы для посещения
понедельник: 8:00–7:30 вторник: 8:00–7:30 среда: 8:00–7:30 четверг: 8:00–7:30 пятница: 8:00–7:30 суббота: 8:00–7:30 воскресенье: 8:00–0:00 Телефон отдела кадров. Сайт. Где находится?
Акции, скидки в году
Школа ФизМат отзывы
Хорошая школа.
My school (graduate 1977!) . Achievements : 1. Numerous Golden medals (as well as silver and bronze) in International math and physic Olympiads. 2. 100% of students graduating universities after this school (actually the best universities) . No more words need !
I've studied here. This school is responsible for my love for science and my knowledge. Can't recommend enough.
The best school in Armenia. Internatilnally competitive, high quality, fair and well organized.
This is the best school in Armenia that I know of and the people there are really nice and it has a pool
Отзывы посетителей о других местах
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Основная школа №154
4 Frunze St, Yerevan 0026, Армения